The concept of Living Word Mission originated out of a desire to present the Gospel Of Jesus Christ and the principles of Life as found in the Holy Bible in an uncompromising and an unadulterated form; to “. . . rightly divide the word of truth.”
Having come in contact with numbers of people who had been misinformed in regards to the teachings of the Bible, Robert L. Black, Jr., and his wife Marilyn decided to form a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to getting the true Word of God out to people in every way available to them at the time. This included the distribution of Bible tracts and literature, a monthly news letter (Outreach Christian News), door-to-door witnessing and home Bible study.
Also, seeing the needs of many poor and suffering families, they included in their purpose statement that the Living Word Mission would not only spread the gospel, but also contribute to the poor and needy families of this world.
Living Word Mission was granted legal, non-profit, Federal tax-exempt status under 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code on May 12, 1975. All donations to the organization are tax deductible.
A Passion for Souls

Arising out of a passion for souls and a first-hand knowledge of the Power of the Word of God to save and heal, Living Word Mission launched its first evangelism campaign on the streets of San Diego, California, in the early part of 1976. Determined to reach as many souls as possible, its intense witnessing and teaching program began as a door-to-door, street-by-street daily routine. During that time of intense daily evangelism, many souls were saved and many people became to love and appreciate the work of the ministry.
Living Word Mission became involved in the solicitation of donations of clothes and other useful household items for needy families in Mexico. This program was facilitated by a Mexican minister who believed in the work the Mission was doing and became an integral part of its Mexican outreach program.
Down through the years, Living Word Mission has been reaching people from all walks of life with its Christian Literature, tracts, newsletter, personal witnessing, inspirational literature and poetry, Bible study programs, neighborhood evangelism and acts of kindness through its contributions to needy families both in the United States and abroad.
Having moved its headquarters to Virginia Beach, Virginia, Living Word Mission continues to carry out its mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help provide aid to those in need.